to the

World of Zenkalen & Malachi E. Maynard

I'm currently rebuilding my site, so until then please check out:

I can be reached for direct bookings at: bookings@zenkalen.com, or you may contact my agent at: tonry@tonrytalent.com

If you came here wanting to know more about my upcoming book, please send an email to mailinglist@zenkalen.com You will then be kept up to date.

My Behance (for examples of my 3D work) page: https://www.behance.net/MalachiEMaynard

My IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5448093/

My Acting reels at: https://vimeo.com/malachielsumaynard


All works are under copyright protection © Malachi Elsu Maynard 2016